Empathy - The Emotional Connection

Posted On Jun 07, 2022 |

Do you ever wish that a certain person in your life would make the effort to truly understand where you’re coming from?

Do you ever wish that a certain person in your life would make the effort to truly understand where you’re coming from? This feeling ability is called empathy and It’s a key aspect of emotional intelligence. Empathy helps people get along with others, from loved ones to strangers. The capacity for being empathic – comes more easily to some people than to others.

These days I am hearing people proudly declaring themselves to be “empaths”. It sounds like a good thing but to use empathy effectively it’s necessary to have healthy boundaries.

Here are some Healthy Tips for Listening
#1 Don’t Interrupt Do allow the other person to finish speaking completely. When you repeat back what they say you’re demonstrating to them that, you are listening and hear what they say.
#2 Don’t Judge Who knows, what is right or wrong, good or bad.
#3 Avoid Suggesting Possible Fixes When life throws a challenge it is an opportunity to grow and grow. Allow he or she to arrive at their own solutions otherwise history is destined to repeat itself.
#4 Maintain Composure While your own feelings may surface, keep them separate from the situation. It is the neutrality of calm and open space that will help to diffuse the emotional energy.

The next question is, can we hear and not – “have to agree”?
In a world gone mad with social media and fearfulness, now more than ever, we must be prepared to know what our VALUES are, articulate them and live by them. RESPECT comes from trusting your own consideration and discernment. Are you comfortable enough in your own skin to be willing to state your clear position even if others disagree?

Categories: : Empath, Listening, Relationships