The Danger of a Single Narrative

Posted On Jun 07, 2022 |

As part of a grand universe, we are many things. But there is one thing that we are NOT – we are NOT ever a single narrative.

As part of a grand universe, we are many things. But there is one thing that we are NOT – we are NOT ever a single narrative. Instead, we are a garden of interconnected elements. There is a quote that I love that says: "we are bio-chemical photographs of the earth". If we dare to treat any part of this magnificent universe, ourselves included, as fragments of the whole, we are endangering the very truth and reality of our existence.

What has been unfolding since mans been writing and telling stories is a single narrative. The stories and tales of accounts of mans’ experiences whether fictional or nonfictional, largely depend on the geography of your location. With today’s technology these boundaries of geography have been “blurred”. In the process of becoming globally aware we have become at once inclusive and at the same time, elitist and divisive depending the story that gets exploited by the media.

To quote Einstein, 

those who march in the form of consensus have already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake since for him a spinal cord would suffice.’ 

Einstein maintained that when consensus is reached, thinking stops. In my opinion, a single narrative that rules and out-weighs all other discussion is dismissive, frightening, and to be deplored.

Bishop Michael Curry says that he has learned to kneel and stand. Kneel and truly listen to another; stand and be of courage in speaking your own belief. But consider that truth may lay somewhere in between. I call this the gap where emergent new is seeking fullness of expression as a reflection of our very nature: to evolve.

Together we are Humanity and individually we participate in Humanity. We can’t be a part of something and think that we don’t impact the whole. Our responsibility as a part is to fully express ourselves individually and then merge to create a wholeness that is seeking to evolve Humanity.

This is such a time! During the past one and a half years of social isolation and devastation to our economy we have failed to bring all stakeholders to the table in a circle of trust and open dialogue. To speak from the soul and not from schooled intellect or ego.

Let us look to learn from our indigenous roots. This culture held everyone in a common regard or respect. Their stories tell of gathering all perspectives and the arrival of a cultural justice.

In his book A Hidden Wholeness, Parker J. Palmer writes: The shadow behind “fixes” we offer for issues that we cannot fix is, ironically, the desire to hold each other at bay. It is a strategy for abandoning each other while appearing to be concerned…a mode of “helping” that allows us to dismiss each other.

It could be said that a single narrative is allowed to prevail when we insist on persisting in right brain left brain, duality thinking. The part that is missing is the single brain of our heart. We call ourselves spiritual and yet we continue to demonstrate our willingness to deny the heart. How can this be?

Palmer says “In Western culture, we often seek truth through confrontation. But our headstrong ways of charging at truth scare the shy soul away.” He goes on to say that we must invite the soul to speak – not demand nor command. And, if we leave the soul out, what are we but talking heads – ego and intellect? I invite you to consider joining us as we enter into circles of trust – a term trademarked by Palmer. It refers to our need to go beyond our primitive fight or flight and learn to stand in the gap, holding the tension between what is and what ideally might be. He adds that he harbors no illusions about how hard it is to stand in that gap.

However, we must remain true to our very design and continue to uphold our part in the process of evolution. We must not turn away from a greater call to stand up for all of life when there are right and wrong polarizations that presume to have the right to dismiss all that is yet unknown or spoken about. This is pure arrogance.

Please read carefully. Ask yourself where you want to stand as your living legacy to our place in the universe. “The divided life ends in the sadness of never having been one’s true self. Would you like to know how to have the last laugh? Then you are invited to join us and forge circles of trust. United we stand; divided we fall. This is such a time - choose.

Categories: : Community, Connection, Relationships